Picking Your New Color Theme

Value is the number one reason to choose RW Pro Painting in Littleton, CO for your next color consultation project. With any such large home improvement, it is important to ensure you’ll like the finished results. Using the experience of our expert color consultants to select your new color theme will help you achieve that goal and provide the best value to you!

We provide expert color consultation services for the Littleton area. Allow us to simplify your next project with our expert staff in all phases of your painting project. Start to minimize your projects needed time, effort, and stress by calling today!

Your homes surroundings are unique and full of color. Viewing how your new color theme will interact with these surroundings is best done in-person, with one of our expert color consultants. As helpful as online tools can be, they often fall short of what an In-Home Color Consultation provides. Call us today for scheduling.

Available consultations include promotional packages, as well as hourly rates.

Color selection can be stressful – allow our color consultants to help! We will provide you with the extra help needed to find the color that is right for your home. With our teams help, you will both see and feel the difference of your professionally painted project.

color consultation with client looking at a color swatch.

Where To Start?

Looking at your surroundings, there are certain areas that you must consider when choosing the right color theme. These areas typically change very seldom, such as the roof, brick or decorative stone, carpet, tiles, and/or cabinets. Each of these surfaces have a color of their own, usually with multiple colors to choose from. Starting from these surfaces will present you with balanced choices.

Light vs. Dark

The color selection should always consider the areas surroundings. Interior rooms that have a high level of natural lighting provide you with an opportunity to bring in a darker color without feeling overwhelmed by it. Having a darker color, either as the main color or just an accent, provides more of a characterizing presence than a lighter color. It is for that reason, most new homes have lighter interior color themes.

Which White Do I Need?

When choosing a white for your trim, whether interior or exterior, consider whether to use a “standard white”, or an “off-white” of some degree. Changing the tone of white will allow you to change the level on contrast with your wall paint color theme. Where a “standard white” will give you the highest contrast; an “off-white” will give you less contrast, which in turn gives a “softer” appearing theme. selection can be stressful – allow our color consultants to help!

Product Summary Reports

One great option we are offering are the Product Summary Reports, available for any of our projects. Providing detailed information such as locations, sheens, and colors of the products used in your home. Easier and more organized than an old stash of paint cans, this will give your project that final professional edge!

Home Design of Littleton, CO

Painting your project is a great investment and choosing the wrong colors can be even MORE costly! Our Team Color Specialist of Littleton, CO, can provide you the service to choose the best paint color scheme for your project.

With any new paint job, you’ll want to make sure the colors you chose are those you can enjoy for years to come. Our design team can help inspire ideas to make the most of your living space. Helping with color selection, accent placements, and sheen preferences, we will be exploring every idea to see what fits you the best!

Often, the kitchen areas in modern homes are the focal point of daily life within the home. Choosing the right color theme doesn’t become any more important than with cabinet painting projects. Our team of experts will help ensure you get the colors and accents your feel best about for years to come!

Using an expert design staff for your exterior project will help you navigate some of the toughest decisions. Our team not only assists with the color selection, we can help you navigate your HOA requirements. From detailed reporting, to digital color renderings, we are here to help organize the process.

FREE Online Color Assistance

Sherwin Williams Color Visualizer – Desktop

Sherwin Williams provides a FREE online tool that allows users to impose new colors on personal photos. In addition, the Visualizer carries a full catelog of S.W. colors, as well as professional stock photos to use in replace of your personal pics. Take a moment to view the desktop version of the software here!